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Tackling Life With A Chaotic Schedule

There's just too much to remember.

The daily tasks of life are sometimes a full-time job, on top of the many other hats we wear. I am often asked how I manage so many things at a time - more on that list in a moment- and the only answer I can ever muster is I just don't think about it. Well, how do you not think about the things you are doing, one may wonder. The only way to describe it is like holding your breath, while flying by the seat of your pants. Sometimes you feel at a standstill, but like the world is whipping by in the blink of an eye-and you just can't catch a grip. The moment you sit down, on that ever so comfy couch, and allow the thoughts of it all to seep in, you have officially thought about it and you're wiped out.

Taking life on sounds both daunting and unhealthy, but there are ways to organize yourself and manage your time to make sure you have a balance that works for you and your family. Sounds great, right? But who am I kidding? This is something I have yet to master-the schedule is a continuous work in progress.

Depending on your lifestyle, there's different obligations, commitments, relationships, and self-care that need to be penciled in. For me, I'm a lover of Christ, mom, wife, full-time employee, part-time college student, indie author, and blogger. There's the work schedule, homework schedule, kids' sports schedules, date nights, church, quality time with everyone (including myself), maintaining communication with friends and family, doctor appointments, hobbies, maintaining the home, bills schedule, staying sane, getting know, the usual stuff. There's just not enough time. Something always falls through the cracks.

What happens if one thing is forgotten, or doesn't go as planned? IT ALL COMES CRASHING DOWN! This will more than likely be you who is crashing.

Thinking about this is stressful. Hence, why I said the only way I have gotten by is to not think about it. However, the key is to not let your stress of being a master-doer get in your way. There are a few things I have tried to help me cope, and hopefully they can help you, too.

1. Find a therapist

This is not a joke. I truly believe everyone should see a therapist. They are not only there to help you figure out any problems you have, but if you find the right one, they essentially work like a life coach as well. I have gotten some of the best tips from my therapist. They will also help to keep you grounded and validate any feeling of overwhelm you're experiencing.

2. Keep a planner (old school style)

I have tried the phone calendar thing, and the reminder tool on my iPhone, but it's just not for me. I found the Panda Planner, and it has been the most uh-mazing thing I've discovered. You can use it at your own pace, since you write the dates in. There are sections for reflection, goal planning, positive reinforcement, and keeping all of your tasks in order. The greatest thing I found with my planner is it keeps me really motivated. Because of the goals and reflecting on my previous wins, I feel accomplished and ready to take on the next day, week, and month. Also, there is no guilt for missing things, because you can pick and choose when you fill things out.

3. Fill your cup

You do so much for everyone else, and you forget about yourself all the time. Stop it! You need to give you some love also, because you are pretty damn amazing. Choose a day of the week, or a few, where you do something by yourself, something that you enjoy. For me, it is waking up earlier than everyone else in the morning, having my coffee and filling out my planner before starting the day. It helps me to level my head and feel relaxed.

4. Just say NO

This little word is such a bugger. Through therapy, I actually learned that I had the hardest time with saying no to myself. I would say yes to everything, every little project or task, and eventually I just got burnt out. Don't be like me. Be realistic in what you take on, and say no sometimes. There is nothing glamorous about having a schedule so packed, you have no time to enjoy life.

5. Delegate tasks

No matter how much you may feel like you have to be in control, you don't have to be. Give some tasks to others, whether it be your spouse, kids, friend or family member. If you ask, people will be more than happy to help you out. So swallow your pride, and in the famous words of Elsa, "Let it go!"

6. Dress the part

Sometimes, all it takes is a badass outfit to put a spring in your step. This morning, I had my coffee and I wore an outfit that made me feel like a boss. You are the CEO of your life, so dress like it. It will boost your energy and carry you through the day.

I try to practice all of these on a daily basis. I'm in a bit of a funk lately, because moving took over my life, but I'm not worried about it. Things will always get done, you will make sure of that. However, they can get done more smoothly and stress-free if you make yourself a priority and balance out that crazy schedule.

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